The Feaster
About the Elder God.
「 Personality 」
Aloof, charismatic, and enigmatic; these three ingredients combined to make the perfect littl- wait, no. Wrong franchise, but right descriptors.The thrill of the chase and opera go quite well hand-in-hand.
「 Backstory 」
A history forgotten, shrouded in misery and mystery; although Hastur is best known for this, he is not one to avoid indulging other's interests, even about his past prior to his coming to the manor.
However due to his more playful nature, most of what is and isn't true is rather unclear. Regardless, his situation is much like the others - even he does not know where the exit is.
... Or does he?
Match Style.
The bindings come undone, and the deity of eld comes out to play. Although some might consider his match appearance to be his true form, he would disagree, and note: This isn’t even my true form!
To win a match, he relies on paranoia, and intimidation... And tentacles, mostly tentacles.
Official Hastur Art © Netease
Diary entries.
The log seems to be empty, but you can sense a presence nearby. Mayhaps consider coming back later.
Amongst the Hunters, Hastur even finds himself to be something of an oddity in comparison to the others- Dream Witch aside(rest in peace, fellow otherworldly thot), even when he parades in something more cornered and cut in human-shape, he still doesn't find himself the type to fit in. That, and the fact the other Hunters have happened to revere to him as the oldest, he often stands alone.
Such odd little things... Cookie Cuttered from the same models- it's the ones that do not blink who scare him the most... All the more reason to take them down during matches. Sorry, Survivors, he is more afraid of you than you are of him. He can promise that much.
Name | Relationship | Character Day |
??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? |
Hastur, while not entirely fond of how many corners and lack of fluidity there is to the human frame, prefers to take the shape of one when within human dwellings. Because of this, his least favourite map is White Sand Street Asylum. Have no fear- there are too many walls here…! Oh no, they got away...
Slamming a palette down on his tentacles is the best way to incite his rage.
Human hands are freakish to him. It’s why he keeps them even during matches.